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Majalah Exclusive dari Saudi Aramco

  • @By : D. Haris
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    Kamu udah pernah dengar Saudi Aramco? Ni dia keterangannya:

    Saudi Aramco, the oil company born as an international enterprise 75 years ago, distributes Saudi Aramco World to increase cross-cultural understanding. The bimonthly magazine's goal is to broaden knowledge of the cultures, history and geography of the Arab and Muslim worlds and their connections with the West. Saudi Aramco World is distributed without charge, upon request, to interested readers worldwide.

    In print, Saudi Aramco World is published six times a year: January/February (JF); March/April (MA); May/June (MJ); July/August (JA); September/October (SO) and November/December (ND). From its launch in 1949 until the May/June 2000 issue, the magazine's name was Aramco World. The July/August 2000 issue was the first to carry the name Saudi Aramco World .

    Saudi Aramco World is published in Houston, Texas by Aramco Services Company, a subsidiary of Saudi Aramco. This website is updated following each issue of the print edition.

    Ya, ini adalah majalah gratis yang sangat eksklusif dan mewah. Isinya tentang kebudayaan dan budaya Arab, mesjid dan tentang minyak dari negara petro dollar. Bagi kamu yang hobby dengan seni budaya, claimlah majalah ini. Benar2 gratis lho. Pengiriman sekitar 4-6 minggu. Mau?? Apply kesini ya... Dan cari link new subscription. print this page Print this page

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